Senses Fail su pustili da čujemo novi singl Double Cross koji će se naći na novom albumu If There Is Light, It Will Find You. Album će se pojaviti 18. februara na etiketi Pure Noise Records.

Producent albuma je Bju Burčel (Saosin, Hands Like Houses), a ovo je prvi put da je frontmen i jedini preostali originalni član benda Badi Nilsen sam napisao sve pesme.

Ovo će biti prvo izdanje nakon akustičnog EP-ja u februaru. Evo i spiska pesama i singlice:

Double Cross
Elevator to the Gallows
New Jersey Makes, The World Takes
Gold Jacket, Green Jacket…
First Breath, Last Breath
Ancient Gods
Is It Gonna Be The Year?
“You Get So Alone At Times It Just Makes Sense”
Orlando And A Miscarriage
Shaking Hands
Stay What You Are
If There Is Light, It Will Find You

Prethodni članakBrian Fallon ima novu pesmu “If Your Prayers Don’t Get to Heaven”
Sledeći članakCock Sparrer – Forever

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