Capsize – Tear Me Apart


Capsize ‘A Reintroduction: The Essence of All That Surrounds Me’ is out now. CD/Vinyl/Merch at or on iTunes at


so watch me brave the same storm outside
watching through your window with your perfect eyes

me apart
just the same
as you would
with anyone else

stabbed me again and then
pulled out the knife
but I’m still bleeding out
it’s what you love
it’s what I hate
and you can’t get enough now
I wanted you to know that
I’m never coming home
‘cause I can’t find myself
unless I’m all alone

so watch me brave the same storm outside
watching through your window with your perfect eyes

fuck me over again and see
this time around
no one’s laughing now
this is how it feels
what it means
to drown in the pain you’re giving me
I wanted you to know that
I’m never coming home
‘cause I can’t find myself
unless I’m all alone

so watch me brave the same storm outside
watching through your window with your perfect eyes

me apart
just the same
as you would
with anyone else

so watch me brave the same storm outside
watching through your window with your perfect eyes

#Capsize #TheEssenceOfAllThatSurroundsMe

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