I Feel Fine – Beached Community


From the EP „Long Distance Celebration“ available everywhere now
▶︎ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7DiyTcC0C9kqFwRUD9jNVT?si=B9bzuPp4RFuD6xxQPwAQzw
▶︎ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/long-distance-celebration-ep/1351377864
▶︎Bandcamp: https://failurebydesignrecords.bandcamp.com/album/long-distance-celebration

I said I’d come around by Spring, but I don’t have the hurt to. Misunderstood the order. The circle wears an old kid out.

Anniversary: The halo bending. I keep still and wonder why you try. We were better then, when all I had were the homes that I broke when dreaming.

I found a way to make my leave, but care enough to pass it.

Directed by Antoine Mansion
Filmed by James Collins & Josh Cordell
Edited by Antoine Mansion
Colour graded by Josh Cordell

„Special Thanks go to Muriel Desclée, Marc Mansion, Charlotte Mansion & Betty Mansion for allowing us access to hours of family footage as well as Heidi & John McGuiness for lending us their home for the day. A huge debt of gratitude is also owed to our good friends James & Josh for their time and hard work, as well as back2back Productions for letting us borrow their lighting equipment“

Follow the band: https://www.facebook.com/ifeelfineuk

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