Pianos Become The Teeth – Charisma


Listen to the full album: http://bit.ly/2F7zbnV
„Charisma“ by Pianos Become The Teeth from the album ‘Wait For Love,’ available now
Order at https://www.pianosbecometheteeth.com/

Director: Michael Parks Randa | http://www.parksranda.com
Starring: Madeline Rhodes and Nataysha Echevarria
DP: Eric Teti
Producer: Jake Sharpless
Editor: Michael Parks Randa
Colorist: Rob Bessette
Choreographer: Nicole Johnson
Makeup Artist: Mariella Dawn
Dancers: Edwin Vega, Rayquan Wilson, Francesca Rodriguez, Bibby Moreno
Dog: Annabel

Official Site: http://www.pianosbecometheteeth.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pianosbecometheteeth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pianosband
Instagram: http://instagram.com/pianosband
Tumblr: http://pianosbecometheteeth.tumblr.com/

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