Quitters Never Win has been fully remixed and will be coming out on vinyl, CD, and digital through Thousand Islands Records (US & Canada), Lockjaw Records (UK), and Pee Records (Australia)! Pre-sale begins on June 5 at www.muchthesame.com
Follow Much The Same:
Tweets by muchthesame
Music and Lyrics by Chris McGrath
Recorded and produced by Dan Wleklinski at Bombshelter Recording Studio
Mixed and mastered by Mark Michalik
Footage from Punk Rock Holiday, Groezrock, and Brakrock Ecofest by Claudio Stanghellini, Laurent De Zutter, Sybelle Meerveld, Philip Nordling, Andi Sorré, and David Rodriguez
Edited by Chris McGrath
Well you’re in control and I know it ’cause I’m miserable again
I don’t understand how any of this makes me a better man
You know I always run to you for some help with my life
You know I always come to you for a little wise advice
And all I get is pain
Okay, so I’m exaggerating
I’m just saying that’s how it seems to me
If all good things come to an end, then what about the bad?
Am I cursed to never see the fruits of the life I wish I had?
And can I try, one more time, to be pleasing to you?
My futile efforts never seem to make my wish come true
What can I do?
I’ll follow through with all these claims I never cease to make
A promise to myself is one I promise to break
But when I have you by my side then I can do what’s right
I’ll become the co-pilot and you control this flight
Then everything will be alright
If all good things come to an end, then what about the bad?
Am I cursed to never see the fruits of the life I wish I had?
And can I try, one more time, to be pleasing to you?
My futile efforts never seem to make my wish come true
What can I do?
This song’s for me
A reminder of how I intend my life to be
Every word I sing
Is an anthem against my own hypocrisy
Let me be free
Let me be free