The Human Project – Pride Before a Fall


‘Pride Before a Fall’ is the new single from The Human Project, taken from the acclaimed 2018 album ‘Clarion Call“.

Luke Yates (guitar/vocals) wrote:

„“Pride Before A Fall” is an unusually personal song for me. It started out life as a rant against one complete stranger on a train to Leeds once, who was laughing very loudly to his mate about the recent sad death of the actor Robin Williams, and how he couldn’t believe that someone so rich and famous could possibly have anything to be sad about.

It just so happened that I’d been reading that morning about the high rate of ill mental health and suicide in the financial services sector in the UK’s biggest cities. The article focussed on young men in their 20s and early 30s who were keen to impress their bosses by working insane hours, and by never showing any outward signs of “weakness”.

Not to judge a book by its cover, but this guy fitted the bill perfectly – clearly a city office worker, keen that everyone should hear his view that Williams “only had himself to blame.“
It struck me that he perhaps didn’t realise that he was, statistically, in a group particularly at-risk of extreme mental health issues, and that maybe if he was aware of this, he might wind his neck in a bit, but I guess probably not…

All of this made me pretty angry and upset, due to the fact that an old school friend of mine who I’d only recently reconnected with, had taken his own life just weeks earlier, having last been seen on that same service to Leeds.
The second prechorus centres around another old friend with a similar story, who, weirdly, I bumped into for the first time in years on that same Leeds train just days before she passed away.

The song is a call for empathy and humility, and for consideration of the other humans around you.“

‘Clarion Call’ is available now from on CD, Vinyl, and digital download.

Prethodni članakPig Destroyer – Mt. Skull
Sledeći članakCompanion – One Life

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