Underoath – Wake Me


From the album ‘Erase Me (Deluxe Edition)’ – Available Now

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Every day is numb
Oh I hold my tongue
Nothing’s gonna bring me hope no
I’m hanging on
Tunnel with the lights turned off oh
I know you’re near
Drawing me like a moth no
I’m closer to your flame
It’s harder to explain
It’s easier to sleep than to face it awake

Open up my eyes and show me salvation
Wake this body up ’cause I’m tired of sleepin’
Oh and there’s no heartbeat
Somethings wrong with me
Help please
I can barely breathe
Wake me
Give me a reason

Inside these walls oh I’m safe and sound
You will never see me fall no or hit the ground

Maybe this is just a cry for help
Maybe I should just forgive myself
Is this the reason that I go through hell
Is this the reason that I dream it all away
Withdrawal and medicate
It’s easier to sleep than to face it awake

I know when the lights go out
No one will find me
Behind the darkest cloud
I run for safety
I know if I let you in
I might be free again
I wish that I could be like you

Open up my eyes and show me salvation
Wake this body up ’cause I’m tired of sleepin’
Oh and there’s no heartbeat
Something’s wrong with me
Help please
I can barely breathe
Wake me
Give me a reason

Director/Editor/Colourist: Wyatt Clough

Producer: Emily Smillie

Director of Photography: Nina Djacic

1st AC: Mike Hofman
Grip: Nick Julian
Swing: Monica Meng
Gaffer: Dakota Mazzuca
Set Design: Lucy Larkin
Set Design Assistant: Lyndsey Constable

Patient: Lyndsey Constable
Orderly: Damon Marin
Attendant: Brad Rushmere

#Underoath #EraseMe

Prethodni članakXXL- Another Walk
Sledeći članakBuck-O-Nine – In My Room

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