The Tennessee Wankers – I Beg Of You


The Tennessee Wankers – I Beg Of You [Official Visualizer]

Ponosni smo na ELVIS CONNECTION izdanje, koje nam donose muzičari iz Beograda pod imenom Tennessee Wankers. Za sve ljubitelje rockabilly stila i fanove legendarnog kralja roka Elvisa, izdvajamo numeru „I Beg Of You“ koju ćete moći da poslušate večeras u 20h na našem YouTube kanalu.
ELVIS CONNECTION is an album by the Tennessee Wankers – three musicians based in Belgrade, Serbia, who have played and lived rockabilly all their lives, though good and bad times alike. Eight songs included therein were recorded in a single session on 23 February 2020 at Commander Adam’s studio in Sremska Kamenica – the boys jumped in an old Ford straight after a gig played at Belgrade’s Metropolis Club the previous evening, and rocked up to the studio to record the album in the morning.

The result is before you to judge. The idea behind the project was to record early Elvis material the way he could have done had he stayed with Sam Phillips, and had the Sun studios had the benefit of modern clarity and contemporary ideas. Thus, all songs were recorded the Sun way – three acoustic instruments and vocals played and recorded live in a single room – however with the benefit of modern digital recording and processing, which secured a larger sound picture than Sun’s RCA radio console.

Secondly, none of the songs quite retain their original arrangement. Some are closer to the original, some farther – depending on what the song called for, or what the band felt was the window of opportunity for the song to „open up“ and draw on musical ideas that have transpired during the 75 years that have lapsed since the original recording of the songs.

Lastly, the album was driven by the enjoyment of Elvis’s music, and will hopefully transfer some of that enjoyment to the listeners who appreciate early Elvis and roots rockabilly.

Hope to see you soon with Volume 2, an album of lost and unpublished early Sun gems!

The Tennessee Wankers are:
Nikola Dragovic – vocal and acoustic guitar
Sasa Jovanovic Jovandeka – lead guitar
Andreja Milosevic – double bass

#TennesseeWankers #ElvisPresley #MascomRecords

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