Antillectual – Europe, This Is Your Final Countdown – feat. Thomas Barnett


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Europe, This Is Your Final Countdown is the third single from Antillectual’s new album “ENGAGE!”. The video was shot at the ENGAGE! release show and Punk Rock Holiday and features Thomas Barnett (Strike Anywhere, Great Collapse).

Video by Claudio Stanghellini.


Riddle me this:
Last century you were building bridges
Your prestige project based on “Nie wieder Krieg”

Riddle me that:
This century you are building fences
Lunch money bullies, all hail to “Nie wieder Krise”

True solidarity

I’ll tell you this:
Next centuries won’t know your fortress
Torn down the gates, no longer need for the keys

True solidarity, there’s no union without you and I
True solidarity, don’t you dare to defy

From being toys of budget fetishists
To helping hands and righteous altruists
From selling out as social democrat
To serve the proletariat

So stop to squeeze, no more Greek tragedies
Not on our coast, no more dead refugees
Not on our watch, no floating casualties
Not in our name, no fake remedies

“Nation-states were a bad idea” someone once said. For that reason I’m a big fan of up-scaling political systems. One of the first necessary steps is European integration, hopefully eventually followed by global integration. While the current EU is way too neoliberal with a predominant financial focus, it’s a better starting point than no union at all I believe.
After fighting benefit tourism, surviving the monetary crisis, bullying around Greece and facing a refugee/border crisis the EU has definitely proven to have its shortcomings. There is no vision or policy when it comes to issues that truly matter: basic human rights for people in need. I hope this crise existentielle will turn around into a passionate endeavor to truly help those in need, spreading the values that civilized societies and the EU claim to be based on.
What Europe lacks in ethic integrity, it makes up in economic austerity.

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